Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Helping Hands at St. Mary's

We helped St. Mary's set up for the Bazaar that was held on Saturday, November 20th.  We brought tables and chairs up from the cafeteria, and set up different hands on games such as; catch the fish and different throwing target games.

All of us that helped set up!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Gobble Gobble!!! Thanksgiving at St. Mary's

The students at St. Mary's went gobble gobble today as they played their games we created/ found for them to play today! The Pre-K sailed on the Mayflower today; used the scooters to Plymouth Rock; then dribbled a bouncy ball over to the food; where they ran it over to make Thanksgiving dinner.  Then went through it again and agian! The students loved it! The students at St. Mary's seemed to really have liked the Thanksgiving theme and games! Happy Thanksgiving St. Mary's

Monday, October 25, 2010

It's HALLOWEEN at St. Mary's!!!!!

The students at St. Mary's were so energetic when we came into the school in Halloween costumes!!! Today we worked on throwing and catching, some students grasped the concept very quickly, others struggled with it.  I had the gym group today so I had first hand experience on seeing the struggles and the more advanced students.  Overall it was a fun and exciting early Halloween for the students and for us!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lab 3! Learning to Leap, Horizontal Jump, and Slide!!

Teaching my SUPERHERO SONG!!!!
Today at St. Mary's we watched two students perform a leap, a horizontal jump, and a slide.  Of course they did other locomotive skills, these were just the main skills we were watching for today.  It is so interesting to see the different stages that kids are at while they are doing these activities.  The differences between males and females, ages, sometimes even size makes a difference.  I was in the special teams group and our jobs were to make posters on all the locomotive skills, this was a good way to let the students know each step to each locomotive skill that they learned today.  Using a visual aid helps kids pick up and learn the terminology that is needed for some skills. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Physical Education Hall of Shame!

The Physical Education Hall of Shame was established in 1992, to help professionals take a closer look at themselves and to focus on developmentally and programmatically appropriate physical education, and to encourage professionals to strive toward structuring teaching classes.  In order to achieve the ultimate gals of physical, cognitive, and affective development of the students all this above is necessary.  the seven charter inductees from 1992 are dodgeball; Duck Duck Goose, Giants, Elves, and Wizards; kickball; Musical Chairs; relay races; Steal the Bacon-- are joined in the Hall of Shame by six new equally deserving members.  For instance, Duck Duck Goose could be on the Hall of Shame for many reasons, one may be because out of a group of kids there are only two kids running at one time while everyone else sits and waits for their turn, if they even ever get a chance to run.  A way to change Duck Duck Goose is to get everyone involved, a way to do this is to have five leaders and arrange everyone into five equal groups,  one person walks around just like in Duck Duck Goose, but instead of two people running, the whole group runs around and the last person to sit down is the new person that walks around the circle.  This is a good way to get everyone involved and everyone a chance to be "it".  It allows for a challenge too, to not be the last one sitting down.  Just a fun way to play Duck Duck Goose, in a new way!!

Day Two: Teaching At Saint Mary's!!!

What an exciting day two teaching day!!! Today was the first day that everyone was able to come up with an activity for the children after school to play.  Some games turned out, others didn't, it was fun though watching specific children and seeing if they could master the different locomotive skills, such as hoping, galloping and running.  The difference in ages and gender really showed during some of the activities that we had them doing.  As a physical education teacher it is our job to watch for the developing patterns in young children, it helps us in the long run to know what and what not to work on.  The younger the child the more locomotive work they need, the older the more motor and cognitive thinking they need.  I can't wait to see them in a couple weeks!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Day Experiences at Saint Mary's School!!!

Today at Saint Marys was so much fun!!! We were able to observe our TA's while they taught and demonstrated the kids how to play a tag game.  As that was dieing down our TA's walked us through where to go and allowed us to interact with the kids. You could tell in their faces and movements on how excited and happy they were to have us there to interact and get them moving.  There were a couple kids that were very social and enjoyed chasing us around the playground.  Overall it was fun and definitely worth the time spent down there. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chapter Two

This is a girl being taught how to use a lacrosse stick.

In chapter two, Childhood Growth and Motor Development it gave us as PE students the basic idea on when children start walking, running, jumping, hopping, galloping, skipping, reaching, grasping and releasing different equipment, etc.  Our main concentration for this chapter was to see if younger children in grades first and second are able to use equipment like hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, field hockey sticks, etc.  Throughout the reading I believe that children this young can be introduced to using different equipment.  As long as the teacher is providing a safe environment for children to use the different equipment I see no problem with it.  Children need to be introduced to different activities at a young age, in order to have the knowledge and the ability to perform the sport.  This doesn't mean give a seven year old a lacrosse stick and let them go full force with the stick, you as a teacher have to guide them and allow them to understand the right way and the wrong way to use the lacrosse stick.  We as physical educators have to remember that their motor characteristics, cognitive characteristics, and their affective characteristics are all developing at a slow rate.  We have to allow for different activities to develop these needs that young children have to develop.  There are many different views on this subject, but I believe that allowing young children to use different equipment will allow for developing the motor, cognitive, and affective. 
These are Asda Athletes playing Field Hockey.
Asda is a corporation that supports local champions.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter One

Chapter one discusses how important it is for young children to be exercising daily, as the book mentions childhood obesity has been on the rise, along with in school violence among young children and finally because obesity mostly in females are beginning to hit puberty at an earlier age.  The chapter briefly describes the benefits of what physical education can do for the needs and interests of children that is based on the developmental level of the individual.  As a teacher there are many different "aims" we have to follow, learning-to-move, learning-through-movement, and most important being physically educated.  As a teacher we also have different goals and objectives, this is what helps us with the teaching of phys ed.  We too have to remember that children are all unique in their own ways; with that said you have to think of different ways to teach what it is their trying to get out of it.  There are many fundamental movement skills that we all use every single day.  They are listed as Locomotion, Manipulation, and Stability, in almost every sport these in some way are being used.  For locomotion; there is a basic (one element) and a combination (two or more elements), the basic would include; walking, jumping, running, hopping, leaping, a combination would include; climbing, galloping, sliding, skipping.  For Manipulation, their categorized as propulsive and absorptive.  Propulsive would include; ball rolling, throwing, kicking, punting, striking, volleying, bouncing.  Absorptive would include; catching, and trapping.  Finally Stability, this is categorized under Axial and Static and dynamic postures.  Axial would include; benching, stretching, twisting, turning, swinging.  Static and dynamic postures would include; upright balances, inverted balances, rolling, starting, stopping, dodging.  All of these can be intertwined to be involved in any sport.  One being dance; dance uses almost all of the locomotion categories, while gymnastics use mostly stability, you have to be able to balance in gymnastics and in other sports too but gymnastics is a big one.  Our typical sports use mostly manipulation.  There are many more scenarios than these, these are just the basics.  As the chapter comes to a conclusion the thing to remember is that physical activities of any sort will help you maintain a healthy life in the future.  Our goal is to try and decrease obesity and increase physical activity!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day One

Today we talked about the course and took a tour of the PARK building on Cortlands campus.  Later that day during my lab time we took a tour of the Saint Mary's school, where we will be helping, teaching, and getting involved with the children there.  I can tell that this is going to be a fun and exciting class!